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Old 02-02-2004, 01:18 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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alright, let me qualify my above statements.

running windows xp, vs a p4 3ghz HT machine (both with dual channel ram, 2 x 256mb strips, western digital sata raptors and an ati 9800 pro) there is no difference in anything I use on a day to day basis.

I really havent had much chance to play with the athlon machine, I am intrigued by the new techology, and purchased the system because of the benchmarks being so much nicer then the p4's.

Unfortunately, I dont do video rendering, massive db accessing and other such things that they use for bench marking, so while the cpu does bench higher, from a user standpoint, it doesnt run windows xp any faster

perhaps if you ran linux, you may see a difference. I know that the older amd's running linux were smokin machines.

these amd's are also not cheap....
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