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Old 10-17-2011, 05:45 PM
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mexxedm mexxedm is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: edmonton
Posts: 53
mexxedm is on a distinguished road

Yep, it happened to me twice since the last 6 weeks. First time, all the fishes and corals died. It have just happened again yesterday. The only fish survive in the cloudy water is clown fishes. Leather coral died. I know I should not have done this but I removed all water out of my 29g tank. Put new water in. The water was not clear. Cloudy is still there. Changed 10% of water last night. The water got worse this morning. Changed water again this morning. Crossing my fingers that everything will still survive when I get home. It's amazing that cleaner shrimps and peppermint shrimps are still survive in cloudy and stinky water...
I always like the RBTA. It looks very nice. If it does not want to be in the tank, just go and pass out somewhere in the tank instead of committing suicide to the power head and kills everything in my tank :'(
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