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Old 10-17-2011, 05:11 PM
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NastayNatron NastayNatron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 162
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Alright well the tank seems to have cleared up a lot. I usually do have extra salt on hand but red coral was all out of H2Ocean which was the kind I have been using. I ran out this morning and bought Instant Ocean as I have been thinking about switching to this for a while. The lights come on in 15 minutes so well see if the fish are out and about swimming like usual. I sure hope they are. As for the anenome im pretty choked. Ive been wanting one since I got into the hobby and now after this im not sure Ill try one again for a while. I should have had the sponge screen over the vortechs to try and prevent this.

Anyways ill keep you updated on progress. For now here are a few pics.

The BTA after being intoduced to the tank


Carbon running in the two reactors

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