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Old 10-17-2011, 02:30 PM
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NastayNatron NastayNatron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 162
NastayNatron is on a distinguished road
Exclamation BTA killed by Vortech overnight! Help!

Alright so I woke up late for work this morning (naturally on a Sunday) and did the quick once over the tank. I had bought a RBTA yesterday afternoon. It was doing well and hadn't moved all day. I noticed its foot blowing in my MP40 and the water was cloudy! I immediately called in sick to work and did a 25 gallon water change. I also added 1 1/2 cups to each of my tlf reactors. I removed my phosban to add carbon to one of them. So as of now I am out of salt waiting for an aquarium store to open (horrible timing) and I am running 3 cups of carbon. I have also changed out my micron filter socks.

This is all on my 125g reef tank. The only fish swimming are my clownfish as the lights do not come on for another 3 hours and 40 minutes. If anyone has suggestions as to what could help me through this please say! Also any stories of this happening to you and your experiences! Thanks everyone!

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