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Old 10-17-2011, 12:26 AM
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jorjef jorjef is offline
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This deserves the Wisers "slow clap". and yes the sky is not falling!. What I read is this is the equivelant of a RM telling the province what laws they should adopt. They are nothing more than a bunch of tree hugging granola eating earth muffins with a sprinkling of tour operators in competition with divers collecting fish. It was "county council " not the fisheries or state passing a "nonbinding resolution" what ever the hell that is, but it doesn't sound too serious.

Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
ok, found the one article.. these are the same people that have put up a total of 8 proposals over the last 11 to 15 years and every one has been turned down by the state of Hawaii. do you realy think this one is going to go through when the stats position is sustainability, they do have to hear the proposal and every couple years this same panic goes around the hobby boards... and every time nothing happens.. Hawaii is opposit of what they group states.. they use the aquarium industry to atract visitors and such.. there are about 10 "tanks you must see" in wikiki alone.. hotels stores ect.. if the state was leaning towards this proposal or any of the others in the last so many years why do they keep giving out permits for busines and such to have large aquariums which include up to 100 yellow tangs in each one....

don't think we have anything to worry about here.


Last edited by jorjef; 10-17-2011 at 12:29 AM.
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