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Old 10-16-2011, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
I know you are talking FULL ban... and I also mentioned I do not agree that is the way to go.

So come on pretty lady.. go easy on me. I'm on your side... with other thoughts!
Ya, but you said the ban is a good thing. Ban is not good, management is good. You still have to clearly put yourself on the pro-collection side to be on my side, then work on the details.

I guarantee, if you put 3 hours into researching the subject yourself you will be as educated as I am. I have just been following the debate, and had a "holy s***" moment when the ban passed. I didn't that was going to happen, I don't think anyone did. If 10% of the reefing community put 3 hours into researching, and put in 15 minutes twice a week to voice their opinion in a few different places then we would stand a chance! The way it is looking right now is not good. The pro-ban people are not going for a settlement at all, they are not interested in regulating collection. They want a complete ban on keeping fish for any purpose, including captive breeding. This ban also spills over into the freshwater fish of Hawaii. Don't forget that Hawaii is the USA, what goes on there could very easily affect the continental US.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 10-16-2011 at 06:49 PM.
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