I'm going to be building my sump in the next few days going to be purchasing the supplies and tank in the next week or so, I'm trying to figure out what would be the best for my current system. It seems that when I read one article about Sumps it suggest this with supporting arguemnts then I will turn around and research more and someone contradicts everything you've just read to state another layout.
I've just drawn something out on paint that is generally in the lines of what i'm looking to do. Any suggestions? on measurments?
It's a 67G with Duel 1 3/4'' Drains that will be going into my sump. I will also be plumbing it in the next week as well hopefully putting water in it by the end of the week.
Any suggestions on plumbing? 1'' PVC? 1'' Bulkheads?
Hope you can make sense of this rough sketch.