Yeah they are wonderful crabs to watch, especially during feeding time
I have been keeping Boxers since I first got into the hobby, over six years ago with great success. However I haven't seen them for over a year in the LFS's. A few years back a purchased a pair and just over a month ago I lost one, so now I'm left with a single female-I know because she's carrying an egg sac. I have never had a problem with these crabs, my pair always got along with all the fish and vice versa. My single female often comes out of the rockwork right in front of both my yellow watchmens to dangle her pom poms in order to catch a passsing meal.
If anyone see's them forsale again could they
please drop me a line as I would like to get another to complete the pair.
First Christy bought them all up right behind my back
Now I have to deal with you too Sam