Originally Posted by Myka
I think you missed the point where the overall numbers of Yellow Tangs increased by 35% despite doubling the number collected. It shows that in the case of Yellow Tangs where there is a safe place for them to habituate they can increase their total population. You could also easily wonder if many of the open water fish moved to the protected areas simply to avoid the disruption of boats. It is the overall number you need to concentrate on. Now, if they limited the numbers of Yellow Tangs that could be collected there would be an even further increase in population.
Yes, but the increase was due to a complete ban in certain areas... not a limiting of numbers collected.
Perhaps that's the ticket, leave some safe havens for the tangs to breed. The article does state though that this won't work for all fish, it's a success story for yellow tangs because of their breeding and migration habits.