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Old 10-14-2011, 05:58 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Location: Coquitlam, BC
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I did.
And in these very specific cases, with very dedicated hobbyists or specific species of fish that CAN be bred in the environment that the average hobbyist can provide your logic stands...

I just dont believe that it will stick for the majority of species out there that are collected for this hobby.

The red tailed shark is just one example.
I have no research behind this, but my best guess would leave me to believe there are several, if not hundreds of species that are no longer in existence or endangered that this hobby is directly or at least partly responsible for.

Again, I restate that I would support it if there were a stringent qualifying procedure a hobbysist had to go through to be able to attempt the husbandry of any banned specimens but that opening it up for anyone to do is a recipe for failure.
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