This is awesome.
Personally, I dont think anyone who has ever jumped on someone elses case for having a tang in too small a tank or for keeping a doomed species shouldnt have much to say about this in the negative.
We should all be banned from collecting anything wildcaught.
I'm no activist and Im happy to help destroy the oceanic ecosystems for my own pleasure for the time being but I would consider it a good thing if all but captive bred aquaria were banned from this hobby for good.
IME, that goes for live rock as well as for inverts.
just my 2 cents.
Leave the science to the science community where it can be regulated and accurately recorded.
Hobbyists have no business, unless they have proper accredation to feel they have any scientific right to "study" or breed these animals.
That's why were called hobbyists, it's a hobby for us and not a profession.
Major aquariums and zoos can do a far better job than any dedicated hobbyist in mimicing a natural habitat than anyone with even a 500 gallon tank and years of experience can.
I think the attitude that we do more good than harm is a little self righteous.
Though I would be agreeable to this if there were a rigorous testing or qualifying process for the "average" hobysist to gain access to any species banned from collection.
Last edited by gobytron; 10-14-2011 at 02:19 PM.