No Brad, this is not good. What we need are collection limits. Wild caught fish need to be more expensive than captive bred (not cheaper, like how it is now).
You need to read the DAR (Division of Aquatic Resources) report on Yellow Tangs:
Originally Posted by Scott Radway
In 2000, the state started aggressively managing yellow
tang, the prize fi sh of the aquarium trade in Hawaii.
It was a move that came on the heels of community
concern that the fi sh were being overharvested.
Since, the yellow tang population along Kona coast
– the heart of the aquarium trade in Hawaii – has
increased an impressive 35 percent. But at the same
time, the number of yellow tangs collected for the
aquarium trade jumped 81 percent. The value of the
yellow tang catch overall increased 164 percent, leaping
from $383,000 to more than $1 million per year.
So there were more fi sh in the water, fi shermen
caught more and made more money.