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Old 10-14-2011, 05:10 AM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Default Hawaiian Ornamental Fishing Ban PASSED

EDIT: There is a petition against the ban that you can sign here:

This is yesterday's news...I'm surprised no one posted it. Even though this ban is non-binding (so far) it is the start of something very threatening to our hobby. A huge majority vote IN FAVOR of the ban shows how important it is for us to start fighting against it. If it starts in Hawaii, it will surely soon spread to other countries.

Originally Posted by Matt Pedersen
“Fish-collecting ban reso passes council – Supporters drown out opponents in testimony” was the news out of West Hawaii Today last week. If you thought the most recent proposal to ban marine aquarium fish collection in Hawaii was just going to go away like all the others, well, clearly it’s not.

Hawaii is rapidly becoming the battlegrounds of a “moral” war being waged against the marine aquarium collection industry – not surprisingly being spearheaded by people with vested interests in a) the diving industry and b) finding an easy scapegoat for the problems being claimed on some reefs in Hawaii.

Never mind that the expert testimony and science is on the side of the marine aquarium fishery because that’s not the point the opposition is raising in the first place. They’ll make whatever claim they feel best supports their arguments and elicits an emotional response, completely disregarding the actual facts and science. What is perhaps most alarming is that a) the committee actually heard this nonsense, b) they actually voted 6-2 in favor of the resolution despite hearing expert testimony to the contrary.


Only 16 people submitted testimony in opposition to the ban? I was one of those 16 who submitted testimony. Only 15 other people did? If you want thriving and vibrant marine aquarium trade in the future, the answer seems abundantly clear – get organized and fight back. It’s going to take more than a couple aquarium authors speaking out against this madness – it is going to take the industry reaching out to it’s own constituents, and working with governmental management agencies, to not only provide the scientific and economical arguments, but to engage hobbyists to fight just as passionately for their hobby on the emotional and moral grounds being argued.

~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 10-18-2011 at 03:33 PM.
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