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Old 10-08-2011, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Chowder View Post
I have bougth six over the last year in some nice colours. I myself can not keep them from bleaching in my tank. No matter where I put them. Medium light, low light, in a cave they all bleach. Even in my frag tank under t5's. It really upsets me I can't keep these unbleached because they are so colourfull and they stay in one spot close to where you place them.

How long did you have them before they bleached? I've had mine for almost a week it's under T5's about 2 feet away from the light but the bulbs are old and I was meaning to replace them soon. However I don't want to bleach my maxi mini
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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