Originally Posted by htfn
I've got them about two weeks, and they were fine. I still don't know what is going on. The other zoa are opening normal. I didn't do anything except water change.
welcome to the wonderfull world of zoanthids, one colony melts while its neighbors grows like crazy. a little tip if your gonna keep zoanthids is expect loss no matter what you do, each and every one reacts different to an aquarium and what does good in mine might die in yours and vice versa. yuou can try to move the frag somewhere else to see if its lights or flow bothering it, could be a fish nipping at it, amonia,could be sand,bristle worms,algae the list is literally endless. they are not a beginner coral regardless of what people say so spend small amounts on frags and trial and error untill you know which ones grow and do for you and which ones eventually melt away