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Old 10-06-2011, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
well it be a huge loss for the industry? don't know maybe apple can clean up its bussiness practices now and actualy become a respectible company.

It is a huge loss for the industry.

What defines this statment? Micosoft stock is at $26/share and apple is at $383 (the the moment) I fail to see how a company that went from the toilet to one of the most prominant computer companies in a matter of a few years is an un-respectible company. Their products are far superior to any windows product.

I have had macs for several years, and will never buy a windows based computer again. I have had 1 problem with a mac product, and ipod. Apple sent me the packageing to ship it back to them for repair in 1 day, they returned me a brand new ipod in 4 days after I shipped it. Is not not good customer service to you?
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