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Old 10-03-2011, 01:40 AM
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Hustler Hustler is offline
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Default Hustlers 300G Panzer Project (Up and Running)

Here is my 300 gallon panzer project....... I named her panzer as she is a great big rock solid tank

Its 8 feet by 2 feet by 30 inches tall 3/4" glass and Immovable lol made by the magician Mitch himself
Its been run as a freshwater tank the last year but is in the middle of her salt transition as I type
Im very excited to see how she ages and what kinds of things I can do with her in a marine enviroment.
she has dual overflows in the back corners with dual dorso's and a Monster pool/spa pump for the return as of now.
The skimmer, carbon/gro reactors and live rock are a week or two away so I will start here with my journal.
Any comments or ideas are more than welcome.... this will be a long journal

On the truck.

1400lbs shipping weight all together..... still snuck it on the power tailgate with 8 guys and 2 flats of beer

rough 100 gallon sump

Direct plummed into the city drain for overflow emergencies

Overflow guts quiet as can be with 60gpm flowing

Last edited by Hustler; 11-16-2011 at 03:10 AM.
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