6 Foot LED Build
Hey guys. I've had this vision of an LED build in my head for quite a while now and its finally coming to life. It's a total of 216 3W Cree LED's. 144 royal blues and 72 cool whites. I'm putting it above a 180G tank which I realize is way too much light at 100% but the idea is flexibility to upgrade to a bigger tank if I want to one day, as well as being able to turn the LE.d's on one foot at a time starting on the left side of the tank to the right similar to a Vertex light but for half the cost. Since I already have a Profilux, it will integrate with that and the lighting and intensity will ramp up and ramp down from left to right as the sun rises and sets. It will also have full storm simulation like cloud cover and lighting.
Gareth from Progressive Reef was the biggest help in this build. He helped me design it, order the parts, and is heading up the build as well. I'm hoping he can jump in here with some insight and maybe some pictures to talk about the build. Thanks again Gareth.