Originally Posted by Chad
Originally Posted by Samw
You were going to tell me when to pick up your neon gobies. Thanks.
Hmm this is going to be interesting. Cuz I had apparently already been sold the Neon Goby's.. which one of us is screwed? 
I was ready to pick up 10-15 lbs of liverock and 2 neon gobies immediately that night but it was not convenient for him so he told me he'll email me when he was ready. Its possible he thought I only wanted 1? Want to split them?
From: Samw
To: yifan917
Posted: 27 Jan 2004 18:03
Subject: Re: moving sale
yifan917 wrote:
I'll take the gobies and I'll check out the liverock when I come over. What's your address? Can I pop by at 7pm?
From: yifan917
To: Samw
Posted: 27 Jan 2004 18:25
Subject: Re: moving sale
I'll PM you if I get to get rid of some of my LR (so I can catch your goby for you)