You can get a picture off the build thread here:
I will try and get a better picture for you today. I replaced the return pumps that come with the cube to MJ900's. One returns to the display section the other is used to pump to the refuge. The one MJ900 isn't enough flow IMO so I also have a MP10ES in the display. The refuge then overflows back into the return section. I was a little "creeped" out by hanging 2.5 gallons off the back of this 6mm glass, but so far no problems.
I went the LED route for a couple of reasons (in Order):
1. I like Toys! The ability to control the intensity on the 3 color channels is great.
2. My tank on average draws less then half and amp, if everything manages to kick on at the same time its closer to 1A. Cheap on the old Utilities Bill.
3. Temperature, This wouldn't be an issue for 8 or 9 months out of the year. But sure would be during the summer in my oven of an appt.
This was a test run of LED before I set up my 180, but I am happy so far and will be using them on the larger tank now too.