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Old 09-24-2011, 06:53 PM
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dc4 dc4 is offline
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dc4 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
I've read they require med light and flow. He's tucked right into the rock now, fed last nite, was excreting stuff this morning, clowns were trying to help remove....gross...haven't seen the mouth since I first put him in, even when I fed just grabbed the food with it's tentacles and it disappeared. Lights have gone off for the afternoon, my t5 light clips broke so have to figure out how to rehang them. Skimmer is in the tank so only front half available for lights and that's where my LEDs are....if it's not one thing it's another....
I bought a purple/pink sabae a few weeks ago and it may look bleached depending on the type of light you are using. I am using a led setup as well and it definitely looks more white/bleached in color until my lights turn off and then you can definitely see that it is purplish/pink. It was only the size of a twoonie at the lfs and it tripled in size after the first day so I would say its quite happy where it is.
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