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Old 09-22-2011, 08:13 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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OK so I'm now working on getting the fixture with work with the LEDcontrol4 module and the profilux controller. So far I've had limited luck on trying to figure out how these things connect and I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple people who know more than me. So if anyone has ideas please post.

This is the LEDcontrol module:

And this is the driver:

What I need to know is exactly what pins from LEDcontrol connect to the driver. I'm assuming pins 2-5 on the LEDcontrol connect to Pin 2 on the corresponding drivers but I don't know what connect to Pin 1 on LEDcontrol and if I need something to connect to Pin 4 on the drivers.

Any help would be appreciated
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