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Old 09-22-2011, 01:46 AM
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Bblinks Bblinks is offline
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Originally Posted by Dez View Post
Unfortunately, this may not be what you want to hear - my wife and I have agreed to keep the cost of this project to ourselves. It was pricey, but well worth it to us. However, I saved a ton by doing everything that I could by myself. I pretty much hacked away at it every chance I had by myself, with my wife helping when she could. Made several trips to places to get gravel, lumber, stones, sand, soil, plants, to the dump etc. With the pond company we received several gift certificates for our 10 year anniversary last summer and we will be using those gift certificates toward the pond itself. The only labour we paid out was for the pond company and a couple of teenagers here and there to help dig/weed etc (mainly it was to help those teenagers out during the summer to raise money for certain causes.
Thanks for the reply Dez. I understand if you don't want to disclose the total cost of build. I just want to get a reference on how much it would run me, but I guess it wouldn't really matter unless if I factor in the labor. Never the less it is awesome. Keep us posted. The pond is bad ass.
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