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Old 09-21-2011, 09:13 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Originally Posted by crehman View Post
I am considering putting on a glass top on my aquraium, i am just curious as to people's thoughts on this. I know i have read things about how this is a bad idea and should not be done.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
The question is, why do you want to do this? Is there a particular problem you are trying to solve? Keeping fish in? Keeping evaporation down? A glass top as you've already read is not typically a good idea for the reasons already mentioned. Also, the glass top will tend to trap harmful gasses that need to escape your tank.

If you are trying to keep fish in, a screen top is the best solution in my experience. Not very expensive, easy to DIY and doesn't block much light.

Eggcrate will work too but egg crate will tend to block incident light rays from your light fixture thus reducing the amount of light.
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