Originally Posted by dc4
I agree, the ones from the lfs should do well in your tank as long as all your parameters are in check. I just added a purple lta into my tank 2 weeks ago from Ocean Aquatics and it increased in size 4x from what it was in the lfs' tank within the first hour. I also have a 4 month old rbta from JL Aquatics which was browned out at their store, when placed into my tank, it perked up and coloured up within a few days. Now I have a total of 6 anemones that my female clown hosts in, if you were local or coming down to Vancouver, I could offer you one of my bta's in trade but you should really get your water checked at the lfs if anemones are not lasting long.
You Vans are so lucky to be so close to J&L and OA