Here's how the tank was looking last week (crappy iPhone pic

). I need to organize a bit - too much stuff lying about here and there.
This weekend was an exciting one! It's been about 2 weeks now that I've had a multibar angelfish (paracentropyge) in QT, and it seems to be doing well - eating something (I don't know what) as it's belly is full, and it's getting less and less shy. It got a 15 min water bath before going in the tank (as centropyge are prone to flukes), in which time tons of them came off!
The difficulty with them is that they are known to not eat leading to death, or apparently be fine for weeks then die for no reason. Hopefully with it looking happy in qt, neither will happen.
Also, yesterday I went to Sea U Marine to pick up some stuff. I came home with 2 small (<2") orange fromia stars (hopefully they do well in my reef, as they were moving about a lot in the tank in the store), and another conch. I love watching their eye stalks and see them lumbering around the tank.
I also picked up a nice white/green base acro with deep purple tips. Hopefully low in the tank it stays this colour. Also got a sweet little something else - hoepfully it stays coloured and survives!
Also in the shopping basket: a VERY special fish. Can you guess why?