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Old 01-29-2004, 08:47 PM
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Ok, I've been biting my tongue long enough ... can't do it ... I gotta jump in with my own irrelevant/tangential opinions ...... and pad my post count too ... LOL


Have you ever noticed, the "Volkswagen" is a unit of volume? WTH? It seems so perfectly normal to say something like "the meteorite was the size of a Volkswagen" yet we NEVER, EVER say something like "it was the size of a Peugeot?" or "shoot an object the size of an Austin Mini" ... or whatever ....


What I want to know is ..... what if an object is the size of a Passat? I could say "it was the size of a Volkswagen" but I'd have to qualify it as "it was the size of a Volkswagen with terrible maintenance/quality issues."

-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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