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Old 09-18-2011, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Nice. If you guys know of know of Excision? Old buddy of mine from years ago. I remember his first set, "How'd I do? Was I ok?" Hehe, times have changed!
no way, forgot you were from BC. But ya I have seen excision a couple of time, last time I swear my ear drums were going to blow. If I recall there were a few issues with the big 4 building due to all of the bass. The building was shaking. I just listened to Excisions new ep that was released on beatport a few days ago, not bad, for sure like it alot better than his older stuff.

As for datsik... this is a first time. I honestly like his style a bit more, I find it a bit less random and a bit more composed.

I can rant on about music for hours, a friend called me last night asking about a song that he couldn't remember the name of and that conversation went on for an hour. I love music more than my reef tank... well and anything.

But ya levi, you should come. that show is going to be a banger. I'm going to skrillex to but I have seen him 3 times and aoki puts on a way better show
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