Thread: FS: Equipment
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Old 09-15-2011, 06:26 AM
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shotzee shotzee is offline
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Default FS: Equipment

I have the following equipment for sale:

- AquaClear 70 powerhead (not AquaClear 300 hang-on filter) (a whooping 400 gph) ALMOST NEW = $30
- AquaClear Mini hang-on filter - GREAT CONDITION, only used occasionally for running specific media = $10
- Fluval 2 Plus internal filter (105 gph) ALMOST NEW = $20
- Algae-Free rare earth cleaning magnet (Piranha float) = $40
- Tunze Turbelle NanoStream Pump - With broken bracket = $30
- 30 lb. bag of Saltwater Connection sugar sand aragonite = $25

- Pacific Coast Imports CL-300 chiller (1/10 HP) - GREAT CONDITION/GENTLY USED = Have a price point in mind but I am entertaining offers at this time


Last edited by shotzee; 10-28-2011 at 04:50 AM. Reason: Updated
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