In response to weather or not I tried the bulbs with the different ballasts......I did. I also let venki know this. I am not doubting venki that the bulbs worked fine on his electronic ballast but the point is that I verified that they would work on my magnetic pulse starts ballasts before I bought them. And well they didn't along with other people’s non electronic-ballasts. The reason I let the restocking fee slide initially was i was just so frustrated with the whole thing. Now I look at this and realize how weird the whole thing is. I am not trying to turn people away from sun aquatics....just let them know about the situations with the 175w bulbs and the unseen disclaimer(about tar ballasts)......and the return policy! From what I hear the 250w and 400w bulbs seem to be impressive. I guess I am just one of those suckers that gets scr**ed.