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Old 09-11-2011, 06:47 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
That is crazy I can't believe that its holding up

Thanks for all the advice I think I will be tackling this project next weekend It really takes all day?

Anyone ever build small under rock tunnels with pcv? I know Denny did for his eel but I am not sure if I have to use ABS or PCV. I would prefer ABS if I could get away with it...

i did indeed i had underground tunnels all throughout my liverock for my eel infact you couldnt see any of it just the opening where he would wait for food.....not sure if i would do it again for a predator as im sure it wasnt very clean inside and drilling holes in it wont do you anygood when its completely burried in sand n o flow gets in there but my eel loved it and most people whoi came to see my tank didnt know it was there or that i even had an eel lol i did use abs but i wouldnt again i remember seeing somewhere that it has chemicals to keep it from rotting or corroding under ground not sure if its true but makes sense so id say pvc is a better choice just to be safe
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