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Old 09-08-2011, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Sorry it was $40 not $50. I found my old receipt which says $169.95, currently on their website they are $129.95. They are Lumenmax 3s that I bought at J&L.

Everyone in the developed world is using LEDs now. They're in consumer goods, homes, office buildings and industrial plants. They're also in PCs and cars.
Where is this developed world?? I've never seen an office building or industrial plant that uses LEDs for lighting and I'm a contractor that works in different offices and manufacturing plants all the time. Also I just got a new house, no LEDs anywhere and there really wasn't much available for fixtures with the exception of a few over priced dim bulbs and under cabinet lighting. Even new street lights still use HPS even though new LED streetlights exist cities are just not buying into them.

LED technology is great but it's still developing and has a long way to go before it's as popular as you seem to think it is. Will LED prices go down, yes but not in the way you think off. New LEDs with higher efficiency are released every damn day, the LEDs I purchased a few months back are now cheaper and obs. They've been replaced with a new model which is better but also more expensive... Quite simply prices will remain the same for the latest and greatest but cheaper options will always exist but nobody wants those

In this LED game plan on spending a decent amount with no chance of being able to recover your costs in resale as your fixture will be obs in as little as a few months. Plan to keep it long enough to cover your costs in efficiency savings alone or better yet buy it for other reasons all together.

Also keep in mind your halides don't become obs, they have been consistently the latest and greatest MHs for years and many years to come. Oh and you over paid for your reflectors, I purchased my luminarc 3 several years ago for $130. Hence the price drop really has nothing to do the technology fading.

Last edited by sphelps; 09-08-2011 at 03:37 PM.
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