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Old 09-07-2011, 01:29 AM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ridge Meadows
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
You sure? The price of each of my metal halide pendants has dropped $50 in the last 3 years.

... So does anyone have any LED tank pictures to show off?
From where? I bet you, that manufactuer wholesale prices didnt go down. Perhaps the company adjusted it's price integrity and allowed retailers to sell for less. Perhaps the company outsourced to China and it temporarily beinifting from lower production costs. There are a lot of variables. Regardless, inflation and volume usually effects the cost of goods. If these products are made in China, guaranteed that prices are going up, not down.

If they are made in the US and Canada, where inflation is a bit more under control you wont see a significant price drop but not a price increase either. People have to understand. LED lights are not PCs or cars. They arent purchased by everybody on the planet. There arent investors chucking billions at Vertex, building up their infrastructure. It just simply isnt economically plausable.

Not to mention, the patents that need to be paid to manufacture these things. When you consider base cost for material, a limited consumer base and inflation, prices will not drop and if they do, I would not invest money into those companies that are desperately dropping prices to save themselves...they are going under.

Last edited by ReefOcean; 09-07-2011 at 01:32 AM.
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