i can understand the kids tapping but really they dont. they try to bite everyones fingers as you feed them and they get fed more than enough...part of the reason for my algea problem.... i just think in general i have ninja clowns trained in the art of suicidal attacks.
i do agree with the safety glasses idea, id be ok with swimming goggles.. lol cause if i hadnt moved my head the bugger would have landed his teeth into my eye...instead it bounced off the side of my head...i wish i had a video camera running at that moment. coulda won some tank fundage from funniest home vids.. so to bebon the safe side i think i will start recording my maintenance timesjust incase lol
i can tell you all tha i willbe more cutious inmy cleaning from now on those orange piranas are out to get me and will not rest untill ive been maimed or eaten