OK, this time is not a dumb question as I had on another thread

I am not ususally a supertitious person, but when I read my horoscope it made me worried about their accuracy. For instance, they said I will get some kind of flood in my house in March this year. And it happened, my CPR overflow box got plugged and flooded about 10 gallons on the floor before I got home from work, that was in March. Last month, I got a warning about driving. Again it happened, I got 2 traffic tickets that I have got to pay more than $500 ... ouch ...

This month, they said I will be very satisfied at work, I will achieve anything I want at work. So, I was wishing if one of my hated co-workers would be gone forever. Today I went to work and I got good news, that person had quit. I am so happy right now ... But I have just got another warning, WATER, not the kind that you can drink, will be everywhere in my place this month....

It is really freaking me out. It never happened when they said you are going to win a lottery or getting rich, etc .... but when they say about bad things, it is always happens to me, that is why I have kept reading.
What do you think, do you believe it ? I will not sleep well tonight for sure !