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Old 01-27-2004, 04:46 PM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Originally Posted by Son Of Skyline
Wow...that's pretty nasty! Is the Venki bulb a 6500k bulb? If so then it would make sense. I'm sure the bulb still needs to burn in too, unless you'v already done that.
The bulb is a 10000K. The goofy thing is that when I first fired it up, it was great. Later in the day it became pee yellow. Steve said it could be because I was trying to use it vertically, so I went out and spent $70.00 on a new pendant so I could use it horizontally. I then tried to use it for two days with the above results.
The old AB bulb has been used vertically, and horizontally with no problems.
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---------Homer Simpson--------
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