Offically it starts at 12 noon. But we will be there as early as 10am or so.
I want to make it quite clear, this is not a BWA thing, or an Edmonton vs Calgary thingy.
We started this 3 years ago because we noticed that there was need for all of us to get together and socialize. Fence had me scared the first year when he said that only 20% of all that showed interest will attend.
This event is for all hobbiest, freshwater, saltwater, old, young & ugly.
Any and all commerial business are welcome to display their wares. All I ask is a donation of approximately $100 for your table for draws for the attendees.
Unfortunately last year I approached many vendors, a lot showed interest, but when the time came closer no they didn't show up. That is why we decided to let the vendors contact us.
Ken - BWA