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Old 08-29-2011, 08:14 PM
damtrees420 damtrees420 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Edmonton Ab
Posts: 41
damtrees420 is on a distinguished road
Default parting out edmonton

6 or bigger porcupine puffer 50$ obo
5 inch niger trigger 30$ obo
6 inch pink tail trigger 45$ obo
4 inch Picasso trigger 20$ obo
5 to 6 inch regal tang 40$ obo
5 to 6 inch fox face 35$ obo
6 or bigger sohal tang 100$ obo
5 inch lion fish 30$ obo
snowflake eel 35$
3 damsels free with anything else
crabs free if there is any left was about 50 at one point
lots of live rock i would like to get 4.50 a pound if your going to come cherry pic 1 peace at a time as there is some really nice ones way cheaper if you buy bulk toss in the sand if anyone is looking at that time hardware to follow

Last edited by damtrees420; 09-28-2012 at 02:33 PM.
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