Thanks for all the feedback. Am I rushing this first water change? The tank has been setup for 3 weeks. My main reason for doing a waterchange is the diatoms on the sand and daily glass cleaning to control green algae.
Should I wait on the water change? Am I disrupting the natural cycling? Am I rushing this water change?
 75g Reef tank
2 ocellaris clowns, 1 coral beauty, 1 orchid dottyback, 5 electric blue hermit crabs, 4 babolonian whelk snails
candy coral,torch coral and button polyps
rena filstar xp3, Red Sea Prizm skimmer
2 ho 54W t5 10000k,2 ho 54w 420/460((aquatic life)Jager 200W heater
Last edited by tprowse0804; 08-29-2011 at 02:37 PM.