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Old 08-27-2011, 06:10 PM
tprowse0804 tprowse0804 is offline
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Default How to do a reef tank water change

As an experienced freshwater keeper, I would simply clean the glass and then syphon out water and use a hose to fill it adding a few drops of water conditioner while I'm doing it. But, it seems to be the general rule that salt water systems(especially reef tanks) tend to be more finicky.
My thought is:
Premix a pail of water that is conditioned and salted, then poor it in.
Is this right?
75g Reef tank
2 ocellaris clowns, 1 coral beauty, 1 orchid dottyback, 5 electric blue hermit crabs, 4 babolonian whelk snails
candy coral,torch coral and button polyps
rena filstar xp3, Red Sea Prizm skimmer
2 ho 54W t5 10000k,2 ho 54w 420/460((aquatic life)Jager 200W heater

Last edited by tprowse0804; 08-27-2011 at 06:12 PM.
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