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Old 08-26-2011, 10:48 PM
IluvHockey IluvHockey is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 46
IluvHockey is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by triggereef View Post
I believe it is a chromodorid sea slug (chromodoris spp.)

He should get about 6", and they eat live pray. Usually sponges. They arnt the easiest to take care for because they need a constant supply of sponges to live, and they do eat alot. Most nudibranches are quite toxic, so when they die, if they arn't removed from the tank almost immediatly, they will poisen everything in your tank.

I hope that helps!
Taylor I thinkyou are right it is a chromodorid, a magnifica chromodorid by the colouring and pattern. Some one in Calgary indicated that a LFS was selling them. Wondering if someone in cowtown can chime in.

I saw him eat some of my sponges in the low flow areas. But you guys are right. I will move him to my quarntine tank with some live rock with thge white sponges that are growing on it, just in case.
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