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Old 08-25-2011, 06:45 PM
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Phanman Phanman is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Calgary
Posts: 422
Phanman is on a distinguished road

I bought the ATC-9k at costco last month for $199.99. It has a camera but wanted it for the HD video, good to 65ft too! Gonna use it for filming my son swimming, snowboarding, and on my next scuba trip. Most of your good shots will be at 35ft anyways where there is plenty of light and coral.

Something to look at for a reasonable price.
- John -

3x20g Display Established June 08|Koralia nano, 1, 4|Euroreef Skimmer|250W MH retro kit|Mag 18 return|RODI
120g Display Established Jan 1, 09|Vortech MP40|Koralia 4|I-Tech 100 w Tunze 9410.04A|Aquactinics Constellation 7x54W|Mag 18 return|RODI
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