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Old 08-25-2011, 02:51 PM
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Gripenfelter Gripenfelter is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Gripenfelter is on a distinguished road
Default Dead fish, missing anemone and nitrate spike

Just got back from vacation. Was away a week. The guy who was watching my tank said the water looked milky and foggy on the last day.

I'm thinking my baby lionfish died behind the rocks. Never saw the little guy since the day I got him and think he starved. Couldn't get him to eat silver sides or krill or mysis. Think I lost an anemone as well while I was gone.

Anyways, moving forward, I couldn't find my ammonia test kit but when I checked the nitrates and nitrites it was way off the chart. My chart stops at 110 and I could tell by the bright purple colour it was way higher.

I normally do 6% water changes. I did a 12% water change last night and sucked up water from the bottom of the tank where most of the ammonia resides. Nitrate level went down to 50. Dumped in lots of Prime and Cycle bacteria.

Doing another 12% water change today.

I can't do much more than 12% because I have sponges and clams jammed into the rocks near the top of the tank. Can't move them...ugh.

Picking up more Prime, Cycle, and Instant Ocean Nitrate Reducer today. My PH got thrown for a loop as well after the water change. Dipped down to 7.75. Normally it's 8.2.

Any other suggestions?

314 gallon Drop Off Reef tank. 150 gallon sump. Bean Animal Overflow. Various Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Inverts, Corals, etc.

Last edited by Gripenfelter; 08-25-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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