Well, I'm back!
I moved into a new apartment, and I have a space waiting for the tank to be moved in. Basically, I just need to stop procrastinating and move the darn thing from where it is in storage and set it up again! New things in which I am going to work on:
The only thing I have left from my old tank, is a flame angel and two clowns. I'm considering doing something a little different, if anyone has some suggestions I'm all ears. I was considering a fuzzy dwarf lion, or maybe even abandoning the fish all together and going for some dwarf cuttlefish. Hmmmmm
I am going to try mostly SPS in this tank, whereas my last tank was more LPS
I'm thinking of putting three DIY LED "pendants" Details will follow, and I will chronicle their progression.
I would like this tank to be as low maintenance as I can afford. It may mean getting a doser, and an ATO. I spend 8 hours a day cleaning, feeding and just doing general fish related things. While this is awesome, coming home to more fish work is not exactly what I want to do.
I think I will accomplish this primarily through keeping a small fish bioload. I feel that this will keep my nutrient levels in check, and just keep most of the headaches at bay. Though, it will be hard to resist the urge to add "just one more fish" every time I visit the LFS.