Been slowly making some progress down in the basement. Both side are now drywalled and the fish-side is currently being mudded. Fishroom itself is now ready for paint which I hope to do this weekend...
I have been shifting my doser around to be able to drywall the stairs and mud as best I can. The chiller is still running in the other room of the basement and I will of course have some patching to do after I take the 97g down for good.
The couch is going to go where my office previously was. Putting a tv on the wall where my buckets are.
I really miss the 45g I had for topoff. That stand had to come down so I could drywall in there. Nothing like filling this 5g bucket every other day

The jackpost will be removed once my current tank is taken down.
Laundry tub has water to it but the drain is not yet connected. Since no drain existed anywhere near this room the drain (which is not visible here) goes all the way around 2 walls on the other side of the basement where it ties into the drain system behind the washing machine.
The 55 gallon drum is for mixing water changes. To the right of the drum (under the stairs and behind the drywall) are 2 more drums stacked. One will be for topoff and the other (elevated) will be a reservoir plumbed into the mix drum on the fishroom side.
The fresh-air vent can be seen as well. It's nice knowing when the neighbors are bbqing or smoking pot even when I'm doing tank maintenance down here lol.