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Old 08-23-2011, 11:11 PM
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Why do you want them? most of those for sale are tiger pods which do not survive long in aquarium. They get eated by the fish and coral and unlike the usual copepods they are mostly free swimming so they get swaped in the pump or get cought by corals or fish. YOur best bet is to buy some cheato and have a refugium, then you'll have tons of pods in no time. Or put some liverock crumples in one side of your aquarium so they have shelter.

Pods need algae to thrive and a too clean aquarium does not have much food for them.

The best thing for a mandarin is to give it some back up food. TRy to buy a live white worms culture. My mandarins love white worms big time. I give mine some fish roe and some live white worms each day. I have been feeding this for 1 year and half to my mandarin and for 8 months to my copperband butterfly. They are fat and healthy.

The best way to help the pod population to survive and thrive is to feed them with something like DT live phytoplankton. They need phytoplankton to survive. People using a lot of GFO and having no algae at all usualy have a very low pod population unless they supply them with phyto.

Originally Posted by dc4 View Post
Hey guys, anyone have any leads to where I could get some copepods in Vancouver or within Canada without paying crazy shipping prices, I dont mind paying for shipping but I would rather not pay $20-$30 for the copepods and another $40-$50 for shipping.

Last edited by daniella3d; 08-24-2011 at 12:35 AM.
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