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Old 01-26-2004, 06:35 PM
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wayner wayner is offline
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Default Pretty Big Worm!!!! - Help identify

My tank has been up & running over 2 years now & I thought I had a pretty good idea what was in it until early Sunday morning, lights were off & it was pretty dark in the basement so I took my flashlight & looked into the tank. I couldn't beleive my eyes, it was stretched out about 15" with it's rear still in the rock, it could of been 2 feet long for all I know, it was brown in color with orange/reddish markings running up the side of it's body, if I remember correctly, it looked like the head had 2 antennas (keep in mind it was early and soon as I put the flashlight on him he retreated back to where he came from).

The body appeared to be flat & I didn't really get a chance to see what he was eating, I have added 11 snails recently & every week or so I seem to find a dead one on the sandbed.

So anyone have an idea what it could be? huge Bristleworm?, ribbon worm?, fireworm?, all my rock is from Figi if that helps.

I was telling my kids & all they want to be sure of is that it can't get out!
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