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Old 08-22-2011, 04:17 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ReefOcean View Post
2 questions

Why do people sell cycled live rock that is better than the stuff in the LFS for half the price the LFS sells it for? Because it is "used"?

Why do so many people have 40-100 pounds of cycled LR sitting around their homes?

Sorry to hijack. That being said, I have some, but even though Ridge Meadows sounds like it is in Alberta, it is not
I don't get it either.

I tried to give away 100lbs and couldn't find a taker. Granted, I wanted it all gone in 24 hrs....but still, I was surprised someone didn't jump allover it. I eventually sold most of it to the LFS and got $1 per lb in store credit - which was mcuh better than nothing.
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