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Old 08-19-2011, 11:40 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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You're not on the right track with this attitude as keeping a saltwater aquarium is kind of a money pit.

I know some people order their fish from the US for quite cheaper than what we get in Canada, but I never done it mystelf. Plus finding a store that is willing to ship here with the custom and all...not easy. I am not sure what store he was ordering from either. I did not pay much attention since I did not want to go that route. When I buy fish I choose carefully what I buy...not really looking for "cheap" fish rather than looking for a fish with a good personality (not shy, not aggressif, not destructive etc...) so money is not my first concern.

Often people will sell their fish if they are causing problem, so buying fish from people is always a gamble. Not saying they will all end up with bad behavior, but often it is a risk.

I bought a kole tang from someone who had the fish in his frag tank for 2 weeks and said that fish never had ick...surely enough when I put it in quarantine alone in a new tank, he was full of ick in a few day. Never trust what people say and quarantine!

Originally Posted by eisa View Post
Hey Guyz,

set up a 90 gallon Tank, already spent lot's of money on it... wondering if any of you guyz selling fish or fishes, as we know store's are kind a expensive & most of the time fishes are not established.. Plz let me know were i can find cheap fishes...

Thanks of reading..
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