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Old 08-17-2011, 04:56 PM
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jostafew jostafew is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Abbotsford, BC
Posts: 185
jostafew is on a distinguished road

I'm not willing to part with mine, but the posts above have already listed the two best resources that I'm aware of:

Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman
and if you really want to get detailed:
The Reef Aquarium (vols 1-3) by Julian Sprung

By the time you finish the Reef Aquarium vol 1 you WILL understand water chemistry and the life processes of corals! Vol 1 focuses on water chemistry, water movement, lighting requirements, etc. and goes into details about the stony chorals. Vol 2 focuses mainly on the corals that were left out of vol 1, and Vol 3 gets more into the systems involved in creating and managing a reef aquarium.

Aquarium Corals is excellent as well but is obviously more condensed than the 3 vol series above. Lots of great info there on aquarium systems, chemistry etc, and descriptions and care info for most common corals. Depending on how much time you have to kill while you're on vacation I would pick this book up for sure. If you crave more then move onto the Reef Aquarium series.
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